I liked many of the concepts that Rubin expounded. It never hurts to
consider ideas like her poorly-termed ‘besting’, which she uses to describe authentically working for the best for everybody involved, including the ‘enemy’—which will
help them to trust you and see you as more of an ally. Rubin promotes bravery
and honesty, while discouraging petty tit-for-tatting, all of which I applaud.
However, the way she lays out her ‘tactics’ certainly does make the honest
expression of emotions sound manipulative—which concerns me that she’s
providing fuel for any gaslighters out there who might be trying to figure out
us women. Yet since that art-of-manipulation was rather the implied promise of
the title, I suppose she did the best she could while still giving good,
wholesome advice.
By this same token, however, I fear it
may convert ordinary readers into being gaslighters themselves! Near the end,
she interprets others’ ‘urgent’ messages as manipulative maneuvers, and she
encourages readers not to let such measures ruffle our equanimity. Once others
learn that we won’t fall prey to this tactic, they’ll stop using it on us, she
asserts. I blinked, thinking, “Obviously, since they’ll know that we’re not
someone to go to in times of crisis.” Rather a shame to make people give up on
us—including bosses and mothers!
Rubin does include a few
inspirational stories of peaceful resistance—like Ghandi’s and a French
pastor’s wife, Magda Trocmé, who hosted Jewish refugees openly, refusing to be
secretive about it. Magda got by with it for a long time, too, which is the inspirational
part of the story, though of course it eventually landed her in some trouble.
Unfortunately, the book began with a frustrated trio of women whose lives were a disaster despite some outward success, but it never cycled back to telling us how their lives had improved as a result of these strategies. Instead, it fell at last on the teachings of Stoicism, with the uplifting final encouragement: “When does a candle shine the brightest? The answer is always in the dark.”
So I really must conclude, in the absence of encouraging updates,
that for all Rubin’s research, her new tactics had not yet yielded much
tangible benefit for herself nor for her friends. Instead, she presents Epictetus’ Stoic advice
to focus on controlling our own perspectives, sometimes the only thing we have
any power over; having been a slave for many years, he knew what he was talking
about. Despite this wise encouragement, the reader walks away from the book
awash with a sense of powerlessness, the theme of her final
story—which was about a damaged POW taking comfort in the wise teachings of Epictetus.
While the teachings may help us to cope, it’s hardly what any woman was going
for when she picked up the book, I’m fairly certain.
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