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Friday, September 27, 2024

Founding Origin Story for Southerners Via Lost Colony Roots In 'The Only Land I Know' by Dial and Eliades

Author Sophia Alexander with the Lumbee heritage book, The Only Land I Know

The Only Land I Know (1996) by Adolph L. Dial and David K. Eliades* may unlock certain mysteries of our heritage and as such should hold widespread interest for a vast number of Southerners and American historians. The work is a rather brief and perhaps overlooked history of the Lumbee tribe of North Carolina in which Dial and Eliades have almost convinced me of Lumbee descent from Sir Walter Raleigh’s ‘Lost Colony’, the first group of English colonizers to settle in North America. They’ve also stolen my thunder in postulating the resultant wide distribution of native Lumbee genes, a speculation which could hold significance for a large contingent of American Southerners.

I heard about the early English settlers’ mysterious disappearance during an anniversary trip to the Outer Banks when we visited Roanoke Island; while there, we saw the outdoor play The Lost Colony, featuring Eleanor Dare and the first-known English baby birthed on American soil, Virginia Dare. These 1587 travelers had been miserably low on supplies as soon as they landed in America, and so their leader was forced to turn around and head right back to England to fetch more supplies. Unfortunately, he ran into delays for three solid years (no thanks to that Spanish Armada!), and by the time he made it back, the ‘Lost Colony’ settlers had abandoned their original settlement on Roanoke Island.  Well, the Roanoke Island Park Visitors Center postulates different possibilities as to their fate, and various historians have assumed their demise, but Dial and Eliades tell of how they moved off with a few Hatteras (Croatoan) native families and eventually settled in a remote, swampy area of North Carolina in present-day Robeson County, mostly retaining their English heritage—so much so that when English settlers moved through the area over a century later, they came across English-speaking, gray-eyed, bearded ‘natives’ who lived in a mostly English fashion and were familiar with the ability to speak-through-books, something their grandparents had done. Not only that, but 41 of the original surnames found among the original 95 surnames of the Lost Colony settlers were still in use by this group of ‘natives’ when a study was conducted.

I ordered this book, actually, after discovering what seem to be Lumbee ancestors on both sides of my family, to my astonishment (no, not the same line!**). Most white Southern families hushed up any non-white descent—and granted, it sounds like some of my Lumbee ancestors may well have had gray eyes and beards—but before even receiving this Lumbee history book, I’d already gotten excited about a theory I had of why I had all these Lumbee ancestors. It’s very simple!  What killed most Native Americans?  The smallpox!  Well, if English people without smallpox mixed with natives over a century before their descendants’ exposure to the smallpox, then their European genes would have protected many of the mixed-race Lumbees (likely meshing Eastern Siouan and Cherokee blood-strains among others). The Lumbee are now deemed the largest contingent of Native Americans east of the Mississippi. Dial and Eliades point out this smallpox-immunity causality, too, thus stealing my thunder, as I’d treasured my idea as original!

That said, my own genealogical research goes further, my theory continuing on to suggest that Native American genes (particularly from the Lumbee) are more generally widespread among ‘white’ Southerners, specifically, than they are among other American white regional populations, thanks to both our Lost Colony ancestors’ smallpox immunity and their ‘English ways’; likewise, I’d postulate that the incidence of Native American genes decreases among whites, in general, the further from Robeson County, NC, that we go***.  The same may be true for black families, as well, of course.

Recall that these Lumbees were already rather close to the English in their lifestyles and complexions, so we can presume mixing would more readily occur, as these people would not seem so ‘different’ to the new white settlers, certainly not as ‘primitive’ as other tribal Indians.  This all works together to support a notion of wider-spread dissemination among Southerners of native Lumbee genes from the Robeson County, NC, area.

My own Lumbee ancestors were already residing in South Carolina in the 18th and 19th centuries. Unfortunately, most common genetic testing currently omits large swathes of East Coast Native American genes, so it’s presently not a simple matter to check to see if you might have Lumbee genes, and you’re likely to be disappointed trying that route.  (I fortunately had my paternal grandfather tested ages ago by a now-defunct company that indicated on their limited panel that he had some Siouan heritage—and I fervently wish I had run a Native American panel on my other grandparents when I had the chance!)

One last optimistic point:  if my theory is true about widespread native Lumbee genes amongst us Southerners due to Lost Colony ancestry, this also means that a vast number of us Southerners are descended from the very first English settlers in America, preceding the Mayflower as well as Jamestown settlements!  Now, isn’t that somethin’ else?

Alternative theory:  [This is solely my own musing and is not inspired by this volume of Lumbee history, but it feels pertinent to include!:]  Pirates were rife along the NC coast, and many had covert settlements along the Outer Banks around the turn of the 18th century.  Could it be that pirates settled in along with some lingering Native Americans there in Robeson County, adopting the popular ‘Lost Colony’ story to explain their English language, looks, and presence?  Perhaps they needn’t have been there so terribly long to be convincing before explorer John Lawson came through around that time!  One of the arguments for The Lost Colony ancestry for modern-day Lumbees is that they still use words common in 16th-century English, or at least that was true in 1996. However, a similar phenomenon is also true on nearby Ocracoke Island (known to be settled by pirates) with the Ocracoke brogue having words from the 1600s; that brogue is dying out, but I did get to hear it from one older fellow in 2021!

All that said, I’d be surprised if pirates actually held the list of Lost Colony names to use as pseudonyms, and so I still veer towards the Lumbee being ‘authentic Lost Colony descendants’, but I felt the need to mention this piratey-alternative-possibility (which, again, I came up with myself).  After all, pirates could have paid someone to retrieve the list of Lost Colony settlers for them from England or elsewhere, as a good alibi might have been worth some coin to them.

Even if this were the true version of events, a few decades of pirate-native mixed bloodlines likewise would have protected their mixed-race descendants from smallpox, and instead of Lost Colony ancestry, it could be that us white Southerners have widespread pirate blood in us from the Lumbee!  Along with their Native American genes, of course…

*For the general public, I only recommend the beginning portion of this book, as it quickly devolves into the sad history of the Lumbee tribe’s more recent troubles, which holds far less personal interest for me, at least.

**Personal sidenote: My own family lines include Locklears (the most common Lumbee surname) on my mother’s side and Braveboy/Brayboys on my father’s side—honored for serving with the Swamp Fox in the Revolutionary War.  The ‘magical’ part of this research process was discovering yet a different ancestor from a line thought to have some native blood, whose given name, according to his daughter’s death certificate, was ‘Dare’!  I at first speculated that it might be a nickname, wondering what my great-great-great-great grandfather had done to merit it, but a day or two later I sat bolt-upright with the thought that it could be from the surname Dare!  Mind you, I may not be the direct descendant of Eleanor or Virginia Dare, as the ‘myth’ of the Lost Colony was handed down among the Lumbee, and it could simply have been a popular name among families already attached to the story of the Lost Colony (consider the number of George Washingtons there were, including George Washington Carver and some, named in that manner for GW, including in my husband’s own family). Anyhow, this supposed-ancestor Dare Hodge spurred me to seek out this book and this story, even though I have no real proof that he’s connected to the Lumbees himself at all.  I’m fairly certain the Locklears and Braveboys are Lumbee, however.

***Not to suggest that all white Southern families have Native American blood, of course.  In fact, I was dismayed some time back when I read historian Walter Edgars’ description of my ancestors’ area of South Carolina, in which I recall him as saying that they were uneducated, backwoods, and savage!  I can’t find the quote, so I’m paraphrasing, possibly taking imaginative liberties. Nonetheless, these people constituted large swathes of South Carolina, so I do think it’s widespread, anyhow, this Native American gene dissemination over centuries—be it via pirates or be it via The Lost Colony.  And my ancestors were in the thick of it, either way!

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