My Blog:

My character-driven historical fiction grips readers' emotions and surprises them with unexpected twists. In Silk: Caroline's Story, the first installment of The Silk Trilogy, “The social realism of Jane Austen meets the Southern Gothic of Flannery O’Connor.” It's 1899 in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, and Caroline must choose between the town doctor and a good-natured farmer, all the while oblivious to a young sociopath who is not about to let this happen. Full of laughter and heartache—with a sinister thread—the next two generations of the family continue the trilogy in Tapestry: A Lowcountry Rapunzel and Homespun. Other novels are in the works, but I often feel more like blathering about my reading and writing than actually doing it, so I've opened this venue for sharing my thoughts with you—about books already written (by me and by others), those yet to come, and a few about life in general! Don't forget to sign up for my free newsletter on the right-hand sidebar.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Editing Project a Fun Distraction

Sigh...I know I've taken on too many different projects, but I'm delighted to report that I've got yet another--a quick and easy one right now, a fun project.  I'm editing one of those choose-your-own-adventure games for smartphones and kindles and such.  This is jumping directly to the END of a writing project, and, critical as I am, it's so much fun to correct another writer.  I suspect I enjoy it rather TOO much :).

Of course, perhaps it's just that the writer is entertaining.  Light-hearted fare for me these days, after all that heady monarchy stuff.

Really, though, I'm getting such an education on British history that I deserve a degree, methinks.  I'm hoping that I'm still in that learning curve, and once I really get back into writing these monarchy books that they'll spill out like magic!  Maybe with a little magic?  Nope, probably not, but maybe just some hints of it, like with Vivian and the Ouija board.  That was my favorite chapter of Tapestry, the second novel of The Silk Trilogy.  Oh, it wasn't called a Ouija board then, but same difference, right?

Onto that monarchy, I will report that it is absolutely true that the royal houses of Europe intermarry so much that they're all related.  Queen Elizabeth II and her distant historical cousin, my ancestor 'Butcher Cumberland', descend from royalty of almost every country in Europe--not to say they have any of that country's actual blood in them!  It's pretty darn fascinating.  And yes, they're ALL cousins (except perhaps some sneaky li'l bastards in there).  But the lines meet back up so many times that I'm often descended from three siblings in a family, so it probably holds for at least one or two--at least, I'd like to think that!

Okay, just wanted to give that update.  I'll probably publish the link to the story I'm editing when it's out, but know that it's not really my style of writing.  It's fun, though.  Happy reading 'til then!

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