My Blog:

My character-driven historical fiction grips readers' emotions and surprises them with unexpected twists. In Silk: Caroline's Story, the first installment of The Silk Trilogy, “The social realism of Jane Austen meets the Southern Gothic of Flannery O’Connor.” It's 1899 in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, and Caroline must choose between the town doctor and a good-natured farmer, all the while oblivious to a young sociopath who is not about to let this happen. Full of laughter and heartache—with a sinister thread—the next two generations of the family continue the trilogy in Tapestry: A Lowcountry Rapunzel and Homespun. Other novels are in the works, but I often feel more like blathering about my reading and writing than actually doing it, so I've opened this venue for sharing my thoughts with you—about books already written (by me and by others), those yet to come, and a few about life in general! Don't forget to sign up for my free newsletter on the right-hand sidebar.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Lost Prince, the Life & Death of Henry Stuart by Catharine MacLeod

I have been thrilled with this National Portrait Gallery catalogue of its 'The Lost Prince' exhibit. Catharine MacLeod (curator) did a beautiful job pulling this collection together, and while I would have loved to have seen it in person, in ways it's even better to have it to keep as a reference.   I meant to read straight through, as there are some interesting prefaces and introductions, but I've been bouncing about. The portraits reference one another, immersing and connecting the reader to the whole book, right off.  It is far and away my favorite art exhibit book (at least for the present). I do take exception, just a bit, with the name of the exhibit, as for some reason it makes me think of the Princes in the Tower (Edward IV's sons), and I'm not sure I've ever heard Prince Henry, son of King James VI/I, called that before.  But it's catchy, I suppose. So many beautiful portraits and insights about the royal family members and key political players...  Mind you, however, that this particular cover portrait is deceptively flattering!

To orient you with regards to my work, this Prince Henry (1594-1612) was the brother of Elizabeth Stuart, later Queen of Bohemia.  Elizabeth Stuart was the mother of Sophia of Hanover, who was the mother of King George I of Great Britain. So this 'lost prince' was King George I's great-uncle. I'm working on a novel about King George I's wife, Sophia Dorothea.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Three Dashes Bitters by Jack Simmons

This book by an inspiring friend of ours--a philosophy professor, no less--kept me reading all night. I enjoy the author's wry humor, and the situations keep you wanting to see what happens as the likeable protagonist keeps screwing up. His best friend is worse even than him, but they both have admirable qualities--even inspirational ones, and you're charmed and shaking your head and hooked through to the end. Between the ridiculous situations are sprinkled little truths and some food for thought. A fun read whose unexpected story line reminds me of Catcher in the Rye.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Blue by Nancy Bilyeau

Swashbuckling, 18th-century fun!  I enjoyed Genevieve's consistently headstrong character. She was so flawed and yet so strong in her beliefs, nearly ruining everything with her lack of caution in the end! The setting of a porcelain factory was interesting and different, while her Huguenot background presented a novel perspective I appreciate, having Huguenot ancestry in our family tree as well.  So far, I recommend almost anything by Nancy Bilyeau as a fun, generally clean read.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ribbons of Scarlet by Kate Quinn, Sophie Perinot, Laura Kamoie, Heather Webb, Stephanie Dray, & Eliza Knight

The authors of Ribbons of Scarlet were having a book tour event near me, so I listened to it in a burst, as soon as it was released. It was riveting. My initial misgivings about an anthology-style book that swapped characters in a multi-perspective were utterly invalidated. I'd been afraid I wouldn't connect as well with the characters, but I actually sobbed on-and-on during the heartrending ending of the book! Emotionally invested while reaping the benefits of hearing about the revolution from all sides. Bravo to these authors!

I am thrilled at this concept of presenting all sides, as it’s the nature of things to empathize with your main characters—of becoming biased in favor of a protagonist’s side. Even though most of these protagonists tended towards the revolutionary side, we had the chance to be truly sympathetic to even the royals. Hurrah for fair treatment, and I hope this is a growing trend in historical fiction.
I did attend the author talk, and it was super! I loved what Sophie Perinot had to say about how history isn’t linear and how she can think of many ways women had it better in 1254 (her first book’s setting) than in later periods of history. I especially appreciated her telling us that the ‘modern sensibilities’ of the women of their book are indeed authentic. The novel did start off a bit unexpectedly with regards to the mores of the time. I’m sure the authors were excited to reveal some of the more ‘modern’ perspectives of that time period (1790’s, French Revolution), but I’d have preferred if they’d eased into it some. Any of the other characters would have suited this purpose more readily than Stephanie Dray’s Sophie de Grouchy…for all that she was fascinating and often admirable, and Dray seemed to capture her well.
Sophie Perinot took on the task of representing the royalist perspective—while at the talk assuring us that she is absolutely not a royalist! She wrote her section in 1st person present tense, in contrast to the rest of the book. While I love present tense, I was surprised by this inconsistency, and even more so that I didn’t notice this shift until after hearing the audiobook, only when flipping through the book. Perhaps it's on-purpose, a way of setting the princess aside from the revolutionaries, reminiscent of royals speaking in first-person plural. Obviously it didn’t bother me too much.
Kate Quinn was so charming and adorable! She left me starry-eyed. When I was at the bookstand, looking at her book The Huntress, she strolled by and tapped her finger on it. “That one’s rubbish,” she quipped. Totally made me laugh—and what an amazing thing to happen, the author popping by to tease while you’re perusing her book! She didn’t even let on she was the author. I haven’t read The Huntress yet, but her previous book, The Alice Network, is amazing, and her section of Ribbons had me going back to look at her writing style, specifically, to see just how she’d managed to grip me as she did! [I liked it so much that I immediately began listening to The Alice Network when I finished Ribbons.]
Laura Kamoie wrote the desperately sad section at the end that made me cry so much, which is perhaps why she also struck me as the most empathetic of the authors. I had the chance to briefly speak with her twice, to my delight. I attribute this to my red scarf, so if you do attend an author event, consider dressing in-theme—I’m guessing my scarf caught their eye!
ALL of the authors were so articulate, passionate, and informed. Eliza Knight discussed her section on the infamous Charlotte Cordray, which was perhaps the most fascinating for its shock value.
Heather Webb may have had the most challenging job—to make us empathetic towards one of the most radical, less-educated characters.
Anyhow, there was something quite exciting about all the authors being there as a group, so many fabulous scribblers at once!
I bought a paper copy of Ribbons of Scarlet, even though I already had it on Kindle AND audiobook. Sigh! I did it just for their autographs. The duplicate expense (not so much of an expense…) and the four hours of driving (more of an issue…) were totally worth it for me, though I went home thinking how exhausting it must be for them, having to talk in front of everyone and then go and lecture again later that day—plus packing their luggage and checking in new places and all. I’m happy they came fairly near me, though, and I hope they are still having fun with their tour! What amazing company they must be for each other!

The Alice Network by Kate Quinn

I highly recommend The Alice Network, so much so that I had to get a copy for my cousin Eve as well (seeing as how Eve is one of the main characters). Kate Quinn's writing style immediately drew me in, and I found the story entertaining and informative. I hadn't been aware of the female spy networks during the wars. What inspirational, brave women. Check it out!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Walking the Boundaries by Christopher Scott

This book was a little-too-late nostalgic indulgence for me, as my dear friend and writing mentor passed away recently. He wrote and published these anecdotes of a bygone era before I even knew him. While I enjoyed Christopher Scott's fictional writings, I delighted even more in hearing, this time, about how he became and worked as a land agent, so long ago in England. It was as though we were immersed in a different chapter of Downton Abbey. Charming and oh-so-proper, for the most part.  I'm sorry I didn't read them in time to ask him about them, but the book, along with his novels, is a keepsake I will treasure. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Indigo Girl by Natasha Boyd

Image result for indigo girl natasha boyd
Eliza Lucas was a remarkable girl who ran her father’s South Carolina plantations while he was lieutenant governor far away on the island of Antigua. I’ve been intrigued to know more about her since my undergrad days at the College of Charleston, but even then I didn’t realize that my West Ashley townhouse was within a mile of her Wapoo Plantation home, possibly even on the Wapoo Plantation grounds themselves.  I’m thrilled to learn that now, as I’ve always admired her—and still do after listening to The Indigo Girl.
I do recommend this book, but note that I may return to adjust this review later, as I’m so curious about the real Eliza Lucas Pinckney that I plan to learn more.
First, kudos to Boyd for crediting Eliza’s father for his open-mindedness in allowing his brilliant daughter to take charge.  No matter how competent their daughters may have been, not all men of the 18th century would have set this up to happen. So let me amend that:  kudos to Boyd and to George Lucas, both.
Maybe. But was it open-mindedness or sheer ruthless, pragmatic greed?  After all, he was running slave plantations for profit.  We’re not talking about someone committed to progressive social change, not that I know of, and some of the worst slave conditions meted out by the English were on those Barbados islands, from what I understand. Did he simply see in Eliza a competent manager?  Was it all simply $$$$ signs (or pound signs, I suppose I should say)?  I rather question him leaving his family in South Carolina like that. It was harsh to abandon his family for years—and I don’t believe he ever saw Eliza again. Nevertheless, no matter his human failures, I’ll give him at least a little credit for not restricting Eliza based on her gender or age. At the same time, though, I’m sympathetic to any more traditional men of the time who might have shaken their heads with concern and dismay.
Boyd makes slavery a central theme of the book. I understand why, as it’s a near-impossible subject to ignore (or should be), given the reality of Eliza’s situation.  She redeems Eliza fairly well, but I find her guesswork and premise suspect. I’d love to chat more with her about how she came up with her plot, but as much as we might wish that Eliza had such an open, fair mind, I’ve seen little to convince me that she considered the slaves the way Boyd’s Eliza did.  Again, I hope to read more and make my own determination about that, and I’m sympathetic to Boyd’s efforts on Eliza’s behalf, but I prefer my historical fiction to accurately reflect history—though again, I’ll have Boyd’s story in mind when I get to Eliza’s letterbook, and I might decide that Boyd was right, after all.
I’ll go ahead and reflect on one element now.  In the author’s notes, Boyd presents as evidence that Eliza signed an emancipation note for Quash, a mulatto slave.  This was when Eliza was older, maybe near the time of her husband’s death. Wouldn’t this most likely be her husband’s illegitimate brother or child?  My limited understanding has it that the blood-children of the slave owners were the most likely slaves to be emancipated—and someone gave Quash his European ancestry. It isn’t a random factoid here, though I don’t know for sure it had anything to do with his emancipation. Maybe it just opened doors for him with opportunity. Still—and this is just my guess—to assume that Quash’s emancipation reflects some overarching sympathy with abolitionist views seems to be wishful thinking. Again, I’m looking forward to reading Eliza’s letterbook and will be enthusiastic if I find evidence in support of Boyd’s interpretation of events. [Later edit: I didn't, not really, though I did see where Boyd seized her inspiration with a very between-the-lines interpretation. Her novel is fiction, after all.]
Despite these reservations, I warmed to the story quite well.  After getting over my surprise at Eliza’s relationship with Ben and her relative lack of assertiveness at the beginning of the story—she seemed to be such an ordinary girl, contrary to my expectations—I found myself pulled into the tale quite nicely, interested all the way through to the end, when I saw more of the strong Eliza I suspect was always there, raring to know more about her.
I started the book in Savannah, Georgia, a city settled by Oglethorpe. Charles Pinckney refers to the ‘tyrannical government of Oglethorpe’ more than once, to my delight. It’s rather amusing to me that while in Georgia, I wasn’t as engaged in the story, but once I crossed state lines, traveling in South Carolina, I was fairly riveted.
Far more surprising is that when we arrived at a terribly sad time near the end of the book, Boyd almost randomly seems to insert a few of Eliza’s letters. Maybe 4 or 5.  I believe she wants us to hear Eliza’s philosophical tone there, which while not addressing the events in the story, do somewhat reflect how one might try to cope with the story’s events. So, I’m listening to Eliza talking about a comet she witnessed—which she goes on about it in two different letters. Moments later, I see a meteor with a tail in the sky—far larger than any meteor I’ve ever seen, for all that I’ve gone to watch the Perseids on a dark island (none of those even compared to this meteor’s size).
So, between the meteor and the discovery that I practically lived on the Wapoo Plantation site for two years, The Indigo Girl has been a rather magical experience for me. I like Eliza in the story, and I hope to learn more about the very-real and quite-remarkable Eliza Lucas Pinckney.